21 Benefits for Doing Yoga in Your Life…

Yoda Day 2022
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International Yoga Day is celebrated annually on June 21.

Why is June 21 celebrated as Yoga Day – June 21, also called summer solstice, is the longest day of the year. Therefore, it was decided that International Yoga Day would be celebrated on this day.

Who started Yoga Day – 177 member states of UNGA endorsed PM Modi’s suggestion to celebrate June 21 as International Yoga Day.

Best Time to Practice Yoga

“Timing is Everything” as the proverb goes to elucidate how poor timing can dissipate the effect of your hard efforts. In general, yoga experts advise their students and wards to practice yoga exercises either in the morning or early evening. After a good night’s sleep, yoga sessions can be particularly active in the morning. However, it is important to end the session with the Savasana (Corpse Pose), irrespective of the timings or season of your practice.

What Happens If You Do Yoga Every day?

  1. When you indulge in practicing yoga daily, you experience the following benefits:
  2. Improves your flexibility
  3. Reduces your anxiety
  4. Boosts your brain power i.e., concentration
  5. Helps you get rid of unwanted toxins
  6. Regulates your body clock

Why Yoga is Good for Health?
Practicing yoga has immense emotional and physical benefits. Other than increased strength and flexibility, yoga helps to treat symptoms of mental health problems like anxiety, depression, and unwarranted stress.

Listed following 21 are the benefits of daily yoga practice that even scientists have confirmed, thus, reiterating the importance of yoga in modern life. Implement Yoga in your life – Rajesh Goutam

1. Helps You Achieve Tranquillity
A better quality of life bereft of unnecessary stress is something that we all wish to achieve. Scientific studies have shown how practicing yoga every day for three months can reduce the secretion of the stress hormone. Combining meditation with breathing lends a feeling of unprecedented calmness. The alleviated stress and anxiety levels have an ameliorating effect on our mental health, thus, resulting in improved quality of life.

Good Yoga Hibits

2. Relief from Anxiety
Coping with anxiousness daily can be exhausting. Many people diagnosed with anxiety disorders have revealed how practicing certain yoga poses each day has mitigated symptoms of anxiety that were hard to deal with. The ‘Camel Pose’ improved blood circulation in the body which in turn had a healing effect on both the mind and body. The ‘Bridge Pose’ had a calming effect on the mind while the easy ‘Butterfly Pose’ helped release unwanted tension.

Yoga tips by Rajesh Goutam

3. Improved Concentration
Practicing even basic yoga exercises can help relax the mind and senses. A calm and healthy mind helps focus better. The ability to focus on one thing at a time is imperative to improved concentration. While there are emotional exercises prescribed by psychologists to develop laser-like focus and concentration, science is witness to the finding that nothing works better than an hour devoted to yoga every day.

daily do Yoga

4. Visibly Reduced Depression
Many people suffering from depression are advised to practice yoga asanas daily. Despite numerous research studies emphasizing yoga’s anti-depressant effects, not many are convinced about yoga’s benefits for mental health. Participants in various studies have shown visibly reduced symptoms of depression when they practiced yoga daily for roughly two weeks. A common yoga pose called ‘Sudarshan Kriya’ that focuses on rhythmic breathing is effective in many chronically affected depressed patients.

Visibly Reduced Depression help with yoga

5. Reduced Inflammation
While the yoga benefits for mental health are known, the yoga benefits for health extend to those with chronic inflammation problems. Chronic inflammation may often result in arthritis, heart disorder problems, diabetes, and cancer. Practicing regularly has a healing effect on inflammation, thus, reducing the risk of suffering from associated and resulting physiological illnesses.

Reduced Inflammation do yoga

6. Improves Posture and Balance
Today’s yoga experts vouch for the yoga benefits of health as they advise health freaks to add yoga to their daily fitness routines. Regular yoga practice improves agility and balance in adults, especially, those with movement disorders. Flexibility is another aspect that yoga practitioners swear by as they underscore how specific poses can increase the flexibility of limb movements.

Improves Posture and Balance with help Yoga

7. Improved Breathing
Have you ever paid attention to how you breathe? Yoga can help you focus on your breathing. Breathing exercises (pranayama) can teach you better breathing techniques that have many physical and mental benefits. Certain breathing exercises have a calming effect on your nervous system and even help allergy patients clear their nasal passages. The healing effects of these regular breathing exercises have contributed immensely to the well-being of people suffering from lung disease, heart disorders, or asthma.

Improved Breathing  by Yoga

8. Builds Muscle Strength and Tone
For the health-conscious, adding yoga to a daily exercise routine can increase strength and build muscle. Though many people practice yoga as an essential weight loss measure, specific yoga poses are designed to enhance body strength and suffering.
Balancing yourself on one leg or your arms and holding these poses for a specified time helps increase your muscle strength and tone. Also, practicing a series of sun salutation cycles every day shapes muscles in your arms, legs, abdomen, and back, and increases your core strength.

Builds Muscle Strength and Tone  by Yoga

9. Helps in Joint and Back Pain
Yoga is an effective method to treat persistent joint and back pain problems. Many clinicians recommend regular yoga exercises as an essential therapy not only to treat pain but also the stress associated with the persistent agony of living with the pain.

Simple poses that include backbend stretches mobilize the spine while the muscle movement releases the tension in the body. Traditional yoga poses if done right can be rejuvenating. The ‘Downward-Facing Dog Yoga’ improves blood circulation and facilitates blood flow to the head and limbs. Practicing the ‘Downward-Facing Dog Yoga’ also relieves back pain and improves strength.

Yoga poses also strengthen the muscles around the joints. Regular yoga practice helps arthritis patients to get rid of the pain. Increased flexibility and strength gained through yoga can prevent many kinds of pain.

Helps in Joint and Back Pain with help Yoga

10. Lowers Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a problem synonymous with city life owing to irregular lifestyles and resulting stress.

Practicing yoga regularly improves blood circulation in the body. Practicing breathing exercises can help control blood pressure and alleviate high-stress levels. The functioning of the heart is thus considerably improved as blood circulation is enhanced. Increased blood flow carries increased oxygen levels to the tissues, thus, lowering your blood pressure.

Lowers Blood Pressure  by Yoga

11. Increases Core Strength
Your body becomes strong when your core is strong. Your core not only holds your body’s weight but also increases your resistance level to injuries and helps you heal better. Regular yoga practice makes your core strong, flexible, and healthy.

Increases Core Strength  by Yoga

12. Increases Awareness Levels
Regular yoga practice helps you to take charge of your mind. You are more aware of the thoughts that bother and shatter you from within. Instead of letting your mind get affected by random, uncontrollable thoughts, you control the working of your mind. Your instinct is strong and your senses gain clarity allowing you to see things from a different perspective, perceive the reality of your thoughts, assess their gravity, and act accordingly. The body-mind synchronization that comes with regular yoga practice enhances your awareness levels and attends to all aspects of our being.

Increases Awareness Levels  by Yoga

13. Increases Your Immunity
Yoga heals and enhances every cell of your body, helping your body become more immune. It lowers the impact of stress on your body while helping improve your lung capacity. It also stimulates the lymphatic system of your body to flush out any toxins. This helps your immune system work optimally.

Increases Your Immunity by Yoga

14. Helps in Stimulation of Internal Organs
Physiological disorders coupled with emotional strain can result in poor sleep quality. Incorporating yoga into your daily routine can be the panacea to most health problems, thus, facilitating better sleep. Regular yoga exercises relax your nerves and lessen sleep disturbances. A daily dose of yoga can cure you of anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and stress that cause insomnia and other sleep problems.

Helps in Stimulation of Internal Organs by Yoga

15. Improves Quality of Life
“Yoga helps when everything fails” is a common proverb among yoga enthusiasts and many healthcare professionals. This is especially true for patients suffering from diseases like cancer that may cause excruciating pain, physical discomfort, and unwanted emotional distress. For many people undergoing treatment for serious disorders, yoga is deemed as an effective, adjunct therapy that assuages the pain and induces a feeling of much-needed calm, thus, improving the overall quality of life for many. Better Sleep Quality

Improves Quality of Life by Yoga

16. Improves Your Sleep
As yoga relaxes your mind and helps reduce stress, it facilitates better sleep. It also improves your sleep patterns. Once you start a regular daily practice of Yoga and meditation you will see your circadian rhythm stabilize.

Improves Your Sleep with Yoga

17. Brings Positivity to Life
When you perform yoga on a regular basis, there are many hormones in your nervous system that get stabilized and help you calm down. Yoga helps you connect with your inner self, which brings clarity and encourages you to focus on your life goals. You begin to look at your life with renewed zeal and energy.

Brings Positivity to Life with Yoga

18. Brings Self-Acceptance and Self-Control
Yoga teaches you self-acceptance and self-control. In the same way, you control your body and movements in yoga, you can control all other aspects of your life. Yoga helps you feel more connected to every aspect of your life and brings more balance to your life.

Yoga Guideline

19. Instils New Energy in You
You will feel energized after every yoga session. It rejuvenates your mind and body, instilling new energy in you. Every yoga session will fill your body with refreshing energy, uplifting your mood.

best Yoga - Instils New Energy in You

20. Boosts Your Self-Confidence
As yoga aims towards improving your mind-body connection, your self-esteem increases. It teaches you to accept yourself and your body without any judgment. This helps in increasing your self-confidence.

Boosts Your Self-Confidence yoga se

21. Delays Premature Aging
Age gracefully with yoga! Yoga delays premature aging by helping you detox and eliminates toxins. It also reduces stress and anxiety which is a major causes of premature aging. It also reduces the chance of developing chronic conditions such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, and Respiratory diseases which affect your long-term health.

Yoga Day 2022

Check Yoga Experts https://pinkcityroyals.com/search.php?search_term=yoga&search_submit=search_submit

More Yoga you can find here:


Do yoga and live healthy and happy life.

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